I’ve seen some amazing numbers from reviews I have created on Google Business pages over the last 5 months. The numbers on Google are way higher than on Yelp and Facebook. Over a million people have viewed my images in the past 4 months. Google emailed me today and below is the image of the email. None of the restaurants, bars, retail establishments, or companies paid me for my reviews. A few companies and individuals asked me to give them reviews while employed by them which I felt I had to provide being in marketing. While working for one I noticed an increase in online attacks on their Google pages with spam videos. I urge businesses and individuals to be cautious when posting or resharing views on social media because some of the information may not be correct. My belief was posting about my community and staying away from specific views on the conflicts of the world is important for my business while at the same time, helping the economy and people working in the establishments. I felt compelled to write my reviews and take photos while recovering from the loss of my dog. It helped me to get out and meet new people, discover new places, and more. This has brought business to stores, and restaurants, and awareness to brands. It has also launched my company’s search engine optimization, last year I had no traffic so I now have some great organic traffic. Since I do not have access to the establishments I promoted I’m not sure how this impacted those websites but I felt this was a great way to give back and help small businesses and local entrepreneurs. If you feel compelled to write a positive review about a place you love online I encourage you to do so. I may still review from time to time as I am out and about. Hopefully, this can turn into a trend to help brands & more in the future to help boost their Google analytics.

I have also noticed fake accounts within local Facebook groups and other group pages that I follow. They post spam to get people to click incorrect links. Several posts on fake images also, make sure to report them. I have also noticed several fake craft store closeout pages with spam URLs. Make sure and purchase only on a company’s main website when purchasing online. And if an account looks weird then block them and report them.

Please feel free to give me a review on my Google Business page. Here is a link to my business page. Desert Rose Design Group Google Business Page